07 Dec

Is somehow genei'ally prone To have some slight defects, The person's somewhat rare, I guess, Wliose whole career has hecn One long sweet dream of holiness, Unruffled and serene. The only man, in any sense. Who seemed to me to reach This standard of true excellence Was Hezekiah Leech. Yet, stay, with his I ought to link The name of Simpson Brown ; Yes, he, with Leech, I rather think Must share true Virtue's crown. Both based their lives, this saintly pair, On copy hooks' stern rules. And both were deeply loved in their Respective Sunday Schools. They rarely drank — when jovial souls Prayed them dull care to bilk, By quaffing punch from flowing bowls, They took a glass of milk. Now here, the cynical may say. That friends clasped hand in hand May safely tread a thorny way. Where one would fail to stand ; But, though the fact cau't be denied.

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