Shunning detection — " Once more I seek the place (Where, in the days of grace, Mine was a well-loved face) — Asking admission ! Still, still, with knuckle sore. Bang I the well-known door, Then back 1 go once more. Chilled by derision. LOCAL LYRICS. 25 " This, mortal, be thy task, As in Fame's smile you bask, Ask — I imj)lore you ! — ask, Why I am banished ? Till I admittance win, Kick up an awful din. Force them to let me in, " This said, — he vanished. HUNTED DOAYN. A Pkophetic Operetta. Bij a puhlican whose licence has been rescinded. ACT I. Time — Some few years hence. Scene — A magnificently appointed chamber. The u-alls are decorated luith pewter pots, empty bottles, public-house signs, dried skins of publican <, and similar trophies. Aid. T— T— M, Aid. W— H— e, Mr. W— ll— NS, Mr.