death to the largest of the tribe. The rush of the elephants towards the pits is a grand spectacle ; the forest crashes and seems alive with them, and their trumpeting, when they discover the pits, is a terrific, but to the sportsman, not an unpleasing sound. Accidents sometimes, but not often, occur. One of the most fearful instances remembered, was the falling of Capt. B. into one of the pits, at a time when the herd was momentarily expected ; but a kind Providence saved this gallant officer, and restored him to his party, amidst cheers of joy and congratulation ! To the description of the pass and valley of AND NEILGHERRY HILLS. 45 Coonoor, it only remains for me to add that the traveller will now find at the top an excellent bungalow, with glass windows and fire-places, and enclosed stables : the first, probably, he may have seen since he left his paternal hearth, and began his march of life upon the waves. To a person exhausted with the heat of the plains, the change that he feels and sees in the atmosphere, and in the magnificent scenes around him, is indeed heart-cheering ; and if there be any poetry in his soul, he can deliver his feelings only in verse, and in none more ap-