a voyage to sea, are previously necessary. But for the recovery of lost strength, or the effectual and lasting removal of debility, from whatever cause arising, and for the continued preservation / / ' ' of health, there is no place in India, say all those who have had any experience of the Neilgher- ries, that can be compared with them, and per- haps, no part of the world, for the whole period of the year. ?<& J * fi u . //f During the only unpleasant time at Oataca- mund, from June to August, Kotagherry, Dim- hutty, and Coonoor, will prove an agreeable change ; and as there are now houses at Dim- hutty free of expense, and at Kotagherry upon moderate terms, nothing is wanting but better bazars, for the perfect enjoyment of an invalid, to whom the cold of Oatacamund is not ac- ceptable. I ought at the same time to observe, that to many persons in health, the intervals between the showers at Oatacamund are most enjoyable, and if a good fire is kept up, of some of the excellent burning wood, which the forests abundantly supply, no inconvenience is felt AND NEILGHERRY HILLS. 79