odour is exceedingly apparent. I have twice seen stags with large pieces of skin and leg bone attached entangled in their horns. One of these bone-carriers was the dread of his friends ; the leg bones rattled with a terrible noise against his horns, if he trotted or galloped. Getting our wind, he started off in a hurry, and set in motion several other stags. These were urged to their utmost speed by the noise behind them, while the stag that played " Bones " strained every muscle because he saw the unaccountable panic of the deer in front. It was a desperate hunt. One of the front lot, a very fat bald stag, became so exhausted that he broke away and hid himself, the rest, hunter and hunted, disappeared, going best pace over a distant sky line. A truly ludicrous The count of 1891 shows that the Fertility of Scrinadle has been somewhat overrated. spectacle. We did not molest the panting hart that hid him- self. Forest District 3. Gate-house No. 3 district of Forest. Count 220 hinds (one year Gatehouse, old and above), 96 calves. Many good stags on Gate-house in the lower ground, small stags on the parts marching with Serin- East also adle. Heavily stocked, about 510 deer, or 73 to 1,000 acres, or i deer to 14 acres. Fertility, Fertility, 42 calves to 100 hinds (one year old and upwards). 42 to 100. Chiefly Eastern exposure, also Northern, very nice district ; every kind of ground in it, much good feeding, much good l . Acres to