8 most interesting ground in Jura. Marches with Ardfin sheep ground on South, Inner and Scrinadle on West, Gatehouse on shews about the North. The track to Glenabatrich is nearly the N. boundary. ea!h A Deer t0 The SCa f rmS a Sma11 part f the EaSt boundar y> together with fence of Knock Crome, and also the Largy, Manse, and Keills enclosures. The ridge of the island running N. and S. divides Largy from Inner. 28 knobbers were counted on Largy, February, 1890. I append particulars of Largy count. Hinds. Calves. Knob'rs Hinds. Calves. Knob'rs Hinds. Calves. Knob'rs 34 12 7 3 3 . 13 8