The troubled condition of the times seems in no way to have hindered del Sarto's art Unlike Michael Angelo or Cellini, who were in the forefront of the political movement, directing defences, and themselves taking up arms, Andrea, in his modest circumstances, finished his fresco work at the Salvi, and returned to his atelier to paint beautiful Holy Families (Nos. 81 and 476 in the Pitti) and hagiological and scripture stories of rare excellence. D 50 ANDREA DEL SARTO The history of Abraham's Sacrifice three times repeated, the Sarzana Madonna (now in Berlin), the Virgin in Glory (Pitti, 123) belong, with others, to this time. One of the pictures now painted, and warmly praised by Vasari, is a beautiful Charity, with three " putti," which remained with Lucrezia after her husband's death, and was by her sold to Domenico Conte, who afterwards sold it to Niccolo Antinori, who valued it highly, according to its merit* It is narrated of the Holy Family (No. 81, Pitti) that, having been painted to the order of Ottaviano de' Medici, and being finished during the siege, Andrea took it to his house, where he found Ottaviano entirely preoccupied with the cares and disturbances of the moment ; and having no money wherewith to pay its cost, he bade del Sarto take it back and dispose of