07 Dec

E cadde la Pittura, Velato il volto esangue, e cosl resta." 54 ANDREA DEL SARTO Del Sarto at his death left many pictures unfinished (amongst others Nos. 191 and 123 in the Pitti). Many Madonnas and saints, just sketched in, were after- wards finished by Sogliani. * There is an altar-piece in the church of St Domenico, on the way to Fiesole, mainly the work of Sogliani, but plainly the composi- tion of del Sarto. Of the numerous works in public galleries and private collections called by his name a large proportion can but claim to be from his designs. His drawings and studio effects passed at his death to Domenico Conti, who, Vasari narrates, was one night robbed of the same, but by whom it was never discovered. There is in the possession of Earl Cowper, at Panshanger, a portrait (a fine work) of a man seated at a table, writing a letter, which runs : " Dicembre. Mastro Domenico assai mi chamo sod (...) to verso di voi, a vendo mostro propinquo ingenio per dimos- trarmi quae proprio a ... sono tanto molto obligate 1523. m. Andr." The Domenico here mentioned is perhaps Domenico Conti, the friend and pupil who inherited del Sarto's drawings, and whose portrait the picture probably is,

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