07 Dec

NAPLES. The Virgin is seated at the foot of a rock ; with her left hand she supports the Child, who stands on the edge of her dress and looks out ; St. John and child-angels also look out at the spectator all have aureoles. Replicas in Madrid, Hertford House collection, Borghese, Rome ; a copy in Longford Castle. THE CATHEDRAL, PISA. MADONNA AND SAINTS. Wood, oil, 2-32 x rgi = 7 ft. 8 x6.3. Only sketched in at the time of the artist's death, afterwards finished by Sogliani (see Vas. v. 50). Painted for the company of St. Francis, who, on their suppression, 1785, presented the picture to the Primacy of Pisa. (See Pisa Illustrata, by Morrone, vol. i. 95.) ITALY 95 ST AGNES. Wood, 1-42 x 1-03 = 4 ft. 8 x 3.4. Painted for the Church of St. Agnese, 1525. Placed in the Duomo, 1618. This tavola made one with the four saints in the choir of the Cathedral St. Catherine, St. Margaret, St. Peter, and St. John, each of which measures I '45x0-62 = 4 ft. 9x2, and so combined they ranked amongst del Sarto's finest works. Borghini, speak- ing of St. Catherine and St. Margaret, says (Part III., p. 1 66) : " sono tenute le piu leggiarde e belle femmine che mai facesse quell' inarrivabile ad eccellente pennello." There is a sketch for St. Margaret in the Uffizi, No. 315,

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