thousand of earnest hearts let daily petitions rise to our Father in Heaven that we all, Board of Trustees, faculty, students, may be blessed and made a bless- College Work. 37 ing. That those who go forth from among us may be richly furnished with the most important wisdom and knowledge ; that their powers may be developed by the highest culture; that above all they may be adorned with the beauty of holiness, eminently good and mighty to do good; that Monmouth College, b(^ its students few or many, may be truly a Christian colleire." And to the close of his work in Mon- mouth College he labored faithfully and earnestly for that great end. The fruits of his labors are to be seen in the character of the men and women who occupy im- portant stations in life to-day and who owe much of their power to the wise, careful and patient training of the prime spirit of their alma mater. One of these sons, Major R. AV. McClaughry, at the memorial service in Monmouth, said, " Not only in our own land but in Egypt, India, Syria and the islands of the sea, are more than a hundred of these sons of Monmouth College making proof of their ministry, and of his faithfulness in their Christian education, besides the hundreds of men and Avomen in other relations of life who by labors abundant