forbidding the use of alcoholic drink to their em- ployes ; the same railroads and corporations which will not employ men over 35 or 40 years of age, when men are in their prime, because they are not reckless enough in taking chances with the lives of passengers or the property of customers. They must have young men of "nerve" to take out their great engines dash- 41 The Rule of "Not Too Much/' ing through the night, with a trainload of sleeping hu- manity behind them. You cannot drag down to that degrading materialism the man who breaks away often from the jog-trot of his daily work, who turns his thoughts to higher and better things than the dollar, who enjoys the com- panionship of kindred souls or of those against whom he can sharpen his wits. In a word, the man who en- joys! He is the man who creates, who helps develop the spiritual in himself and others. The Joy of Living has an Elevating Influence. I am speaking of holding out this low ideal as a demoralizing force, largely responsible for the low tone of business morality so prevalent to-day. I am not admitting, however, that the abstainer really does fit himself better for the economic struggle than does he who indulges temperately in alcoholic beverages. On the contrary, even though it were true which