where we need not fly to the cloister to avoid the dan- gers of lust, where we can look upon the nude in art with freedom from improper emotions, and enjoy the good things of the world without fear of excess and without any feeling of wrong-doing. Medium tenuere beati. Enjoyment of Food and Drink as Important as Mere Nutrition. And while the spiritual growth of man has been tending in this direction, we are receiving more and stronger support from science that the new view is the right view. We are learning that the active pleasur- able exertion of our natural faculties is conducive to bodily health and mental vigor, that mental relaxa- tion and pleasure is a fine tonic for mind and body, that the enjoyment of food and drink is as important to our physical well-being as is consideration of diges- tibility and nutritive value. If physiologists prove by experiment that even animals, such as dogs, are pow- erfully affected by the mere taste of food, that the mere odor of food and the presence of it in the mouth will start the flow of the digestive fluids in the stom- Principles of Food and Drink. ach and intestines, how much greater must such effects be in man where the psychical element is infinitely more powerfully developed than in the brutes ! How much more important for man, therefore, is the proper