07 Dec

moderate drinking and smoking as sins of equal magnitude with drunkenness, while "overlooking grave social and in- dustrial ills that threaten children far earlier and far more frequently than tobacco and alcohol." Ill The Rule of "Not Too Much." At Trinity Episcopal church, Sacramento, Cal., Bishop William H. Moreland delivered a discourse re- garding saloons, taking his text from I Cor. IX, 25, "Temperate in all Things." He said, among other things : Be temperate in all things, especially in considering mat- ters relating to temperance. Violent, intemperate, fanatical speech and conduct are continually hindering this great cause. Let us clear the ground of two mistaken ideas. One is that the mere drinking of wine in* itself is a sin. The bible fre- quently condemns drunkenness, but never the temperate use of spirits. The common Jewish custom was wine drinking, and neither the prophets nor apostles say one word against it. We have the highest authority possible, for our Lord Jesus Christ Himself supplied wine when it was lacking at a wedding, and it will not do to say that He made unfer- mented wine, for scholars have shown that He made the ordi- nary drinking wine, which was as much fermented as ours is. Another false notion is that the abuse of wine prohibits

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