not be able to resist the cold of winter or the moisture of rain and mist. Likewise, to remove everything that will call for exertion from a person's path will weaken 132 Tendency to Coddle. the nerves and muscles and prevent the development of moral stamina. The result is a spoiled child, the worst contribution to society that a citizen can make. Let Us Not Make Mollycoddles Out of all the People. Yet, there seems to be a disposition to make spoiled, nerveless children of all of us. If anybody does any- thing wrong, we do not try to strengthen the person, but to remove the object over which he stumbled. The spirit which is back of the principle of prohibition as to the use of alcoholic drink crops out in many other places. A short time ago a certain Italian singer less prom- inent than his countryman Caruso, was arrested in the monkey house in Central Park in New York City on charges similar to those which brought unenviable notoriety upon his more famous compatriot. A few days after the event, a big newspaper had an editorial paragraph saying that "New York might do worse than abolish its monkey house altogether." You see, it was the fault of the monkey house! A few days afterwards a well known Chicagoan